About Bilim Kahramanları

Vision:  Building a future where science is at the center of the society

Our Purpose: To work for spreading and promoting the science, scientific thought and scientific awareness in every segment of the society, to enable children and teens to meet with science in the early stages of their lives.

Our Goals: 

  • To support scientific productivity processes and scientists.
  • To contribute to the upbringing of children and teens as productive and mindful world citizens equipped with 21st. century skills.
  • To make scientific studies in order to enhance the life quality of society and to help maintain the sustainability of the planet.


  • Being scientific:  Scientific knowledge & approach make the foundation of our activities.
  • Responsibility: We act with a high sense of responsibility towards humanity and the planet. 
  • Cooperation and process-driven:  We advocate the principles of sharing, cooperation, solidarity, and process-driven approaches in all of our work and activities.
  • Inclusiveness:  We are an equal opportunity entity; we seek to empower the disadvantaged & the groups under risk.  We value differences & do not discriminate based on creed, ethnicity, language, sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability status.  We respect different thoughts and beliefs.
  • Volunteer focus:  We prioritize & engage volunteerism in all activities.
  • Innovativeness:  We value new, different, progressive approaches in all areas.
  • Transparency:  We follow the principles of transparency & accountability in BKD’s administration and in all of its processes.