The Young Scientist Award
The Young Scientist Awards
This an award program eligible for young scientists under 38 years of age who have contributed to basic sciences and engineering fields at the national and international level.
Who can apply?
Scientists under 38 years of age who have contributed to the basic sciences and engineering fields both locally and internationally are eligible. The applicant must have pioneering studies contributing to the progress and the visibility of these fields.
Evaluation Criteria of Applications
The Young Scientist Awards applications will be evaluated by the selection committee assigned by the rectors of 3 universities that are joint partners of the project. The evaluation will be made according to the following criteria:
- Contribution to science
- Contribution to spreading of science
- Contribution to the use of science for the benefit of society
The award recipients are then publicly announced and recognized during the Young Scientist Award Ceremony. Bilim Kahramanları Derneği has been organizing the Young Scientist Award events since 2012.
For further information on program, please visit: